Shortly after Don Van Stone (CEO and Chairman of the Board) joined the bank in 1988
he arranged to have a photograph taken of each bank officer.
Thanks go out to Judy Bishop (Private Banking) for doing the photography and Mary Ann
Kridler and Lori Clark (both with Human Resources) for putting it all together into a photo album.
Finally, special thanks to Tim Jarvis (Property Management) for keeping the
photo album all these years and making it available for the web site. Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 Next Page >
Sandy Allen
Title: Assistant Vice President
Position: Section Manager, Investment Operations
Gregg Appel
Title: Loan Officer
Position: Commercial Lender
Mary Ann Ates
Title: Customer Service Officer
Position: Supervisor, Check Order
Mark Bain
Title: Loan Officer
Position: Professional and Executive Lender
David Barnett
Title: Executive Vice President
Position: Division Manager, Finance, Administrative
Don Bartko
Title: Purchasing Officer
Position: Supervisor, Purchasing
Judy Bishop
Title: Assistant Vice President
Position: Manager, Private Banking
David Bixby
Title: Assistant Vice President
Position: Professional and Executive Lender
Jeff Brinkley
Title: Vice President
Position: Professional and Executive Lender
Wanda Burnette
Title: Vice President
Position: Business Development Representative - Northwest Hills
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